Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Post-Class Late Night Pizza with Pressure Cooked Sauce

This week is a busy teaching week for me; I have four daytime middle school photography classes, I tutored photographic workflow and tonight taught an advanced digital photography class, tomorrow evening am teaching a photography workshop, Thursday evening am teaching an introductory digital photography class, and am probably doing some photographic tutoring over the weekend. I often like to eat out after my evening classes but came home hungry tonight, not having eaten dinner.

Dinner was just for me. My daughter and wife are away this week - and, even if not, they would have eaten something by the time I came home.

Once in a while, I like enjoying vegan Field Roast sausages, and picked some spicy chipotle sausages today, as well as crusty seeded ciabatta. I thought I'd experiment with a quick but tasty meal, seeing how the sauce for pizza could easily be made in the pressure cooker.

  • 3/4 cup marinara sauce
  • 1/4 cup bell pepper, cut into 3/8" cubes
  • (optional) 1 t nutritional yeast
  • 1/8 t salt
  • (optional) 1 link vegan Field Roast sausage, chopped into 3/8" cubes
  • Small shallot cut into 1/4" cubes (about 2 T)
  • Bread of choice
  1. I cooked all the ingredients except the shallot, oregano, and bread on low pressure for 2 minutes in my Instant Pot pressure cooker.
  2. Tomato sauce can sputter, so I gave the pressure cooker more than 10 minutes to slowly cool down then slowly let our remaining pressure and mixed in the shallot and oregano.
  3. In the meantime, I had lightly toasted two pieces of the seeded ciabatta. I simply topped the ciabatta with the sauce.
I also made some corn off the cob with lemon juice and salt, and had some carrot.



Ideas for the future

Were I cooking for my daughter, I might have added some vegan cheese. This dish wasn't no added fat, because the vegan sausage link has a significant 12g of fat.


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